Place items in the hands of 2D characters in a 3D world

For my tactical RPG game "Silence is a lie" ( in a custom written engine using: OpenGL and Java ) i needed to find a way to place any item or weapon in the hands of any character in the the 3D world. The basic idea is, to be able to let any unit on the battleground use any weapon or item sprite i have. I did not liked the idea to be bound to only 1 or few weapons or items for any characters, and that would also mean to draw way more sprites. As this project is privately founded and with help of patreons, and i need to hire artists for every sprite to be drawn, so it´s also a financial decision to find a way to gain max flexibility by minimum number of sprite-sheets. Here you see what the final result should look like for any HIT-WEAPON i add to the game: As i am using 2d pixel characters in a 3d world i am using the billboard rendering. If you like to know more about it, check this link: