
Variables - A piece of memory that we can name whatever we want.

1. Variables Part 2 of 7 - in the series: Programming is so easy - The 6 concepts of programming you need to learn You probably all know the famous Windows error messages that are as meaningful as a menu in Chinese characters.   What do these funny number sequences mean? A computer stores all the data it wants to work with in the RAM (Read And Write Memory). Since there are many possible locations for storing data, there is a special logic for naming these locations in the RAM. Think of it like this: The long combination of numbers you see there is the address for a very specific place on the RAM bar in your computer. So the computer knows where to go to read or write data. The problem with these "memory addresses" is that they are far too long and complicated for us. We would much rather use a simple word to say: "my number is now stored in memory in the place called 'number_1'." And this is where VARIABLES come into play. Variable...

Variablen - Ein Stückchen Arbeitsspeicher, das wir nennen können, wie wir wollen.

1. Variablen Teil 2 von 7 - Der Reihe: Programmieren ist so einfach - Die 6 Konzepte der Programmierens die Sie lernen müssen. Sie kennen vermutlich alle die berühmten Windows Fehlermeldungen die so aussagekräftig sind wie eine Speisekarte in chinesischen Schriftzeichen.   Was bedeuten diese komischen Zahlenfolgen? Ein Computer speichert alle Daten mit denen er arbeiten möchte zunächst im Arbeitsspeicher (RAM - R ead A nd Write M emory). Da hier sehr viele mögliche Stellen für das Speichern von Daten zur Verfügung stehen, gibt es eine eigene Logik für das benennen dieser Stellen im Arbeitsspeicher. Stellen Sie sich das ganze so vor: Die lange Zahlenkombination die Sie dort sehen, ist die Adresse für eine ganz bestimmte Stelle auf dem RAM Riegel in Ihrem Computer. Somit weiß der Computer wo er hingehen muss um Daten zu lesen oder zu schreiben. Das Problem mit diesen "Speicheradressen" ist, das sie für uns viel zu lang und kompliziert sind. Wir würden viel lieber ein einfaches ...

Es gibt nur 6 Dinge, die Sie lernen müssen, um Programmierer zu werden.

[DE]Programmieren ist so einfach! Die 6 Konzepte der Programmierens die Sie lernen müssen. Teil 1 von 7 - Einführung   GERMAN VERSION CLICK HERE FOR THE ENGLISCH VERSION OF THIS ARTICLE Es gibt nur 6 Dinge, die Sie lernen müssen, um Programmierer zu werden. Da ich nun seit über 20 Jahren Programmierer bin und zusätzlich in den letzten 5 Jahren als Programmiertrainer tätig war (hauptsächlich für die 'damago gmbh' in Essen - Deutschland), denke ich, dass das Wesen des Programmierens darauf reduziert werden kann, lediglich 6 Kernkonzepte zu erlernen. Diese Konzepte lassen sich in fast allen Programmiersprachen, mit denen ich gearbeitet habe, auf fast identische Weise wiederfinden. Falls Sie eine bestimmte Sprache lernen möchten, zeige ich Ihnen eine Liste von Sprachen, in denen Sie diese Konzepte anwenden können. C, C++ Java Java Script Python PHP Perl C# Visual Basic Objective-C Ich bin sicher, dass sich diese Konzepte ohne weitere auf noch mehr Sprachen anwenden ...

Programming is easy - only 6 concepts of programming you need to learn.

[EN] There are only 6 things you need to learn to become a Programmer. Part 1 of 7 - Introduction ENGLISH VERSION CLICK HERE FOR THE GERMAN VERSION OF THIS ARTICLE Me being a programmer for over 20 years now and additional being a programming trainer for the last 5 years (mostly at the 'damago institute' in Essen - Germany), i somehow think that the essence of programming can be reduced to learning only 6 core concepts of programming. These concepts can be found in nearly identical ways in almost any programming language i worked with. If you you are looking for a specific language to learn, let me show you a list of languages where you can apply this concepts. C, C++ Java Java Script Python PHP Perl C# Visual Basic Objective-C   I am sure that these concept can be seamlessly applied to even more languages, but here i only the mention the once i have worked in my self and the once that i am teaching, based on this concept. Looking back on what i have coded over...

Place items in the hands of 2D characters in a 3D world

For my tactical RPG game "Silence is a lie" ( in a custom written engine using: OpenGL and Java )  i needed to find a way to place any item or weapon in the hands of any character in the the 3D world. The basic idea is, to be able to let any unit on the battleground use any weapon or item sprite i have. I did not liked the idea to be bound to only 1 or few weapons or items for any characters, and that would also mean to draw way more sprites. As this project is privately founded and with help of patreons, and i need to hire artists for every sprite to be drawn, so it´s also a financial decision to find a way to gain max flexibility by minimum number of sprite-sheets. Here you see what the final result should look like for any HIT-WEAPON i add to the game: As i am using 2d pixel characters in a 3d world i am using the billboard rendering. If you like to know more about it, check this link:

Technical Tile Data vs. Visible Tile Data

While i was working on my game, i got stuck at a point where the actual height information of a walkable tile needed to be different than the the visual representation of it. If a Unit should be placed in a pond or just walk through a river, its legs and feed should be below the surface. But still the surface must keep its position. So here is a mismatch in the height of the terrain  (the Y Coordinate in 3D space). Here you see what i wanted to realize somehow: As i was already calculating the height of a tile in the map based on the avg of all the Y values that are located in the area of the tile, i ran into an additional problem. If i like to add more or special shaped geometry to the 3D mesh of the map, it would automatically have a impact on the height of this tile and a unit may be placed to hight or to low and all the logic like walking and attacking would also no longer work. Connected to all this information i would also need to know IF this tile is walkable at all and even...